Premium Products For Your Private Practice

Specialists Of Lone Offices

What material choice would you make for your patient if cost wasn’t an issue?

Partnering with SOLO GPO takes the costs out of patient treatment so you can focus on the high quality materials you want at the competitive price you need.

Leverage the strength of many to benefit your patient and your practice.

  • Your story...

    As a Dental Specialist you are constantly striving to provide the best results for your patients while achieving the most success for your practice. You don’t want to sacrifice on the materials you choose because of costs, but have a hard time justifying higher priced materials for everyday use.

  • Our story...

    Providing premium products for your private practice to stay competitive is why SOLO GPO was formed. Partnership with SOLO GPO strengthens the relationship between Specialist and manufacturer, providing competitively priced, high quality materials to be used first choice for your patient.